Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Sunrise in the Suburbs

Another pic from my car...
***Note from Just Me HQ: Do not attempt to take pics from your car. This was taken by a "professional" on a "closed course", not by some girl who was running late for work and on a busy road.***


Sass said...

And here I thought it was taken by aliens invading. Whew. Thanks for clearing THAT up.

Amber said...

I'm glad to know that you, the amateur, take your driving as seriously as you should...

Miladysa said...


LOL at the disclaimer :)

Marissa said...


Cheryl said...

Gorgeous. And thanks for the tip!

dasi said...

Suuuuuuuure it wasn't.... don't let your insurance company see this, they'll jack up your premiums! ;)

(Although it IS a great picture!)

Kyahgirl said...

what time is the sun coming up these days? here its around 8.

Kyahgirl said...

p.s. KC, this isn't related to your post but I noticed that something isn't working on your sidebar. (Or maybe its my browser) When I click on someone on your blogroll I get an 'error on page' message and it doesn't shoot me to the other person's blog. ??

Just Me said...

um yeah...you should see some of the pics that i've taken while driving...i should have my license revoked!!

My New Blog!

KC said...

Kyahgirl - The sun is usually up just before 7am these days. I prefer summer when it's up by 6am and Barley and I can take morning walks. :)

JillWrites said...

Well, seeing as how you actually survived taking this while driving, I will say that it is indeed beautiful, guilt-free.