Friday, March 24, 2006

Class Act

I had a crush on the most beautiful blue-eyed boy when I was in college. When I first met him, I was in a serious relationship but I couldn’t help crushing on this guy because he was, after all, the most beautiful blue-eyed boy. After my boyfriend and I broke-up I needed a date for our semi-formal. I was going to take one of my guy friends but then I ran into the MBBEB at the library and we started talking. After a week of shameless flirting I was sort of giving up hope that he would ever ask me out. One night I was in the library checking my email and one popped up from MBBEB.

To: KC
Re: Thirsty

Any interest in grabbing a beer soon? All of this studying has made me pretty thirsty. Dehydration causes fatigue and it’s not good to study when you’re fatigued – makes it difficult to retain facts and data. Think of it as a study aid.

He had never emailed before and I was so giddy I could hardly stand it. I giggled and spent the next ten minutes crafting the perfect “light and breezy” response.

From: KC
Re: Thirst for Knowledge

This theory is intriguing. I know you have done extensive research on this matter and I consider you to be a subject matter expert. Looking forward to testing this new study aid. Just let me know when you wanted to go.


I hit send and immediately began to giggle again. I couldn’t believe that my big crush had just sent me an email asking me out. Sure, it was just beers but it was beers with the MBBEB! I grabbed my backpack and headed towards my usual study area. As I walked past the last row of computer corrals, I heard a voice say, “I say we try the study aid right now.” I turned around to see the MBBEB sitting at a computer, looking even more beautiful and blue-eyed than usual. He was looking all shades of dreamy. It suddenly occurred to me that I was wearing jeans, a fleece and a baseball cap. I tried to protest because of my outfit but he wasn’t taking no for an answer and let’s be honest, I wasn't protesting that much. Did I mention how dreamy he looked?

So we went for beers and somewhere around our second pitcher, I asked him to my semi-formal. He said yes and the date was set. The semi-formal ended up being one of the most fun events of college for me. The whole night was perfect – right down to our first kiss in a blinding snow storm.

So. Hot.

Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the great date with MBBEB. So anyway, it was perfect.

Thanksgiving break was about a week after our date and there was a huge party at his fraternity house the night before Thanksgiving. He invited me to it but I had a flight back to Colorado that afternoon so I couldn't make the party. One of my guy friends was talking to him about the semi-formal and asking what was going on with us; the usual frat boy questions of hook ups. MBBEB just smiled and said, “That girl’s got more class than anyone I know.”

That is, without a doubt, the best compliment I’ve ever received. It was better than any time I had been told I was pretty, or funny, or smart. Anyone can tell you you’re pretty but that doesn’t have much to do with who you are on the inside. If the only thing on my tombstone is “The girl had class”, I’d be happy with that.

I think about that compliment sometimes, particularly when I’m dealing with something or someone difficult. No matter what the situation is, I want to be able to look back on it later and know I handled it with class. This can be difficult when you’re dealing with someone who seems hell-bent on demonstrating that they themselves have none at all.

I haven’t really decided how I’m going to deal with the latest demonstration of a stunning lack of class. So for right now, I’m not going to do anything. I’m at a place where I would say or do something that would not leave anyone saying I was classy. And I would never want people to think that I don’t have class.

I mean really, one of us should have some, don’t you think?


Whinger said...

Agreed. SOMEONE should show some class in every situation.

Hurrah for you.

And just FYI - you don't have to show class when no one's looking. That's when you can write letters you will never send and craft comebacks you will never use.

Cheryl said...

Yes, it would, of course, be ideal if both people had it. But all you can do is ensure your own.

But, if you feel like divulging information, I'm all ears, or eyes to be particular.

dasi said...

You've proven yourself classy in your readers' eyes, that's for sure! As far as teasing us with the smidgen of information on this class-less person... I'll let that slide. Unless you WANT to elaborate, of course... ;)

Amber said...

I think you should let ME deal with the stunning lack of class. Because as you know, I don't take kindly to people who make you cry. I know, I know, you won't let me, but I just thought I should put the offer out there. Not that you didn't know I totally would. Especially because there are precious few who I would wake up out of a dead sleep and come over right then for. You of course are one of them... : )

Bird On A Line said...

What a cool thing to say about someone. But, can you break your class for once and divulge in what happened!? ;)

JillWrites said...

What the heck happened? Can I help?
Yours truly,
Curious and concerned in NYC

Sass said...

Throw the readers a bone - what's the outcome?

Sass said...

Crap - had to many boxes open at one time and left this on yours and i meant to leave it on amber's - i'm mass confusion on a monday morning. where's my phone call/

Laura said...

Ut-oh. Good story but now I want to know what happened! :)