Monday, August 21, 2006

Puppy Love

I will be the first to admit that he was a rebound – a total reaction to the Great Break-Up of 2002. I was lonely, depressed and sad and he gave me so much attention and love. And he had those gorgeous green eyes. What can I say? I’m a sucker for green eyes. Four years later, we’re still together… August 21, 2002

Yep, four years ago the little brown dog came into my life. It was about two months after my first break up with C. (yeah, we broke up twice. Evidently couldn’t get it through our heads the first time that we weren’t right together so we broke up again in 2004.) and about a month after my old roommate moved out. I had never lived alone and I hated it. The house was entirely too quiet. A friend of mine had adopted a puppy from a shelter earlier that year and it seemed like a good idea. So on a hot August afternoon, I drove up there “just to look”. Yeah, I came home with this…

First hiking trip at Matthews/Winters Park in Morrison

He was 9 weeks old when Ipicked him up. He was in a pen with the rest of his litter but he was the only brown one. All of the puppies had numbered tags around their necks and when I picked him up his tag number was 727 – my birthday. I’m a big believer in signs and I took that as a good one as we played in the grass at the shelter. He ran around my feet, his hind legs totally out of sync with his front legs. When he got a little too far away I whistled and he came running back. I sat down and he jumped into my lap and started licking my cheek. It was all over after that. I filled out the paperwork, made my donation to the shelter and headed home with my new addition.

Brown dog and his duck

I honestly hadn’t planned on getting a dog that day so I had nothing one needs to care for a dog. On the way home we stopped at Petco and I watched my bank account literally evaporate as the cashier rang up a crate, a dog bed, food, treats, bowls, collar, leash, dog shampoo and a variety of chew toys. We got home and I unloaded everything as Barley made his way through the house, sniffing every square inch. He peed on the carpet three times in less than 5 minutes. And so began potty training. He chewed the leg of a dining room chair as I put some food in his bowl. And so began the introduction of the rawhide chewies. He whimpered and cried for a good four hours the first night he was home. And so began me holding him until he fell asleep and could be placed in his crate. The first few weeks were hard and there were times that I wondered, like with most rebounds, if I had made a mistake. But as time went on, we got into a routine (and he started sleeping like a civilized human being) and things got easier.

Deep thoughts in the snow

Four years later, it’s hard to remember what things were like before he was around. I usually wake up to the sound of him stretching and scratching on his bed before he walks over to mine to see if I’m up. He sits in the doorway of my bathroom as I shower. He eats breakfast as I make my coffee. We both share a ridiculous affection for bacon. I have to spell out the words “walk” and “park” if I’m talking to someone else because he goes crazy otherwise. And for the past four years, I come home every day to his happy face and wagging tail.

Quiet moment with the duck

He is, without question, the only rebound I don’t regret.


Cheryl said...

How could you ever regret that face? Sounds like it was meant to be.

Anonymous said...

And he's just too cute.

Tiffany said...

I sent this post to my bf... I hope you don't mind. It just captured exactly why I want a dog.

Also, Hi! Long time reader... First time commenter.


Amber said...

Maybe to celebrate his birthday, we could get some sort of food item and make him get under the table while we eat it and he looks at us with woeful eyes. Although come to think of it, maybe that wouldn't be fun for him...

Auntie Amber loves the brown dog!!

Marissa said...

I love it! :) What a great rebound. Barley is so darn cute! xoxo

Anonymous said...

puppy breath...the ultimate rebound. sigh. makes me want to run to the shelter right now. except that i have two dogs and two hands so i think i need to stay home and throw the big red ball until their legs fall off.

thanks for the phenomenal post. i needed that!

dasi said...

Whoever made up the catchphrase "Dog is man's best friend" obviously never met you and Barley!!! LOVED the story!!

Anonymous said...

I have a brown dog too...Ethel the Chocolate Lab. I just LOVE her! Anyhoo...if you really love Barkley teat him tosome frozen paws. Ice Cream section in your grocery store =)

Anonymous said...

You are so great- i don't think I could ever get through this entire site. Love You Dolly MJA

BB said...

whose a boo boo?

Vhessa said...

I can relate. Everytime I come home from school, with lots of pressure, stressful day and all, Benjie (my dog) would always cheer me up. He'll act nuts whenever I come home, he'll run around and jump up and down just to show off! And all my troubles were completely gone! He does that everyday, for the past 5 years, ever since he was just a pup.

Dogs reward you with precious and priceless (crazy) little acts. And that's simply amazing!

Semavi Lady said...

Sweet and so Handsome!

Kathy said...

You are a hero for rescuing that beautiful boy. I can't imagine my life without my little Toby (my kitty) to come home to so I understand how you feel about Barley.

Kathy said...

You are a hero for rescuing your beautiful boy. I feel the same way you do when I come home to my Toby (my kitty). Life wouldn't be the same without our furry companions. Congrats on your four years of togetherness.