Sunday, July 13, 2008


I just love a good weekend, don't you? Mine started by sneaking out of work a little early on Friday and meeting a hot guy for a movie. Now this hot guy and I have become quite close as of late. We have so much in common - we have similar tastes in music and movies; we both love being outdoors; we're both sarcastic; we can both roam the aisles of Whole Foods for hours and hours; and we both like sleeping with men. Yep, he's the Will to my Grace. And he's awesome.
I was tuckered after the movie so I came home, opened a bottle of wine and saw this when I opened my french doors...

I love the view from my front porch.

Saturday I took Barley to the Laund-Ur-Mutt to get the Furminator. (That's right, I just said "Laund-ur-Mutt" and "Furminator".) While he was there, I met up with my cousin for pedis at the salon down the street from my house. The rest of the day was shopping. About 3 times a year my cousin Dawn and I will do marathon shopping trips. It's usually before a trip one of us is taking, either for work or for vacation. This time we're both off on work trips; she's heading to Maryland and I'm off to Wisconsin. Both locales offer mass quantities of humidity so we were looking for fabrics that breathe...a lot. Several hours and shopping bags later we'd found some things that would work. I'm hoping my new, cute outfits will draw attention away from my hair which will inevitably be a frizzy, wavy, large and in charge monstrosity. But I'm not sure there's an outfit cute enough for such a feat.

And today was the family bbq celebrating all the July birthdays. I'm not sure (nor do I really care to think about) what goes on in my family in October, but lordy, we have a lot of July birthdays - seven to be exact. So while we celebrated everyone, it was mostly about Bradley Dean who turns one next week. I adore this child which could explain why I took 181 photos at the party. No, I'm not kidding. I probably did permanent damage to his eyes with the flash but you only turn one once so I wanted to capture every, single second evidently. But don't worry, I'll only share a few here....

Rockin the hat on his 1st birthday

Daddy and Little Man

The kid loved his cake. Is anyone else alarmed that he sort of looks like the Joker? Kinda maniacal and drunk with power. Then again, we all probably look like that when hopped up on sugar for first time.


Cheryl said...

Two posts in just a matter of days?! I'm shocked yet happy.

Thos pics are adorable! Hey, when you need another shopping partner, you know who to call!

Anisa said...

he is precious!!

ooh...i want to go on a marathon shopping outing too!

Anonymous said...

i love photos! thanks for sharing.

and happy birthday to all the other july babies out there (i'm on the 5th). enjoy being celebrated!

Marissa said...

Oh these pictures are so cute! I adore him too. He is just the cutest little thing ever!