Sunday, December 11, 2005

Back in the Saddle Again...kinda

There's a shoebox on the very top shelf of my closet. The box contains the little mementos of my last significant relationship: photos, movie stubs, concert tickets, a watch, a small piece of ribbon, a matchbook, cards from flower deliveries, bathsalts from a B&B, a homemade cd and a few other things that would have no value to anyone.

I was looking for a scarf today when I came across the box. I never really forgot it was there, but I hadn’t looked in it in quite a while. For whatever reason, I pulled it down and sat on the floor of my closet. I opened the box and everything was there just as I’d remembered. As I looked through the remains of the relationship that I thought was the relationship, I saw it all with different eyes. I looked at my favorite picture of us – the one of us at my family’s cabin – and I thought about how good we looked together. And then it sort of occurred to me that we looked good together on paper. Literally, on that Kodak paper, we looked fantastic. But that photo wasn’t exactly representative of our whole relationship. There were fights and tears and words that could never be taken back. There was resentment and a lack of trust. Looking at that picture though, one would never have any idea. In that photo we were perfect. In real life we weren't exactly picture perfect and when it ended it hurt like nothing ever had before.

I think I’m just now realizing how much I shut down after we broke up. I guess I didn’t shut down in all areas of my life because I’ve gotten three promotions since we broke up in 2004. I’ve gone out and partied, traveled with friends and met other men. But when it came to actually being open to a real relationship, I was totally closed off. (Here’s where my girls are shouting, “Well no shit!” at their computer screens. In fact, look
here for an amusing drawing by Amber on my feelings towards dating. Go ahead, I’ll wait for you.)

So back to me being closed off…um yeah, I totally was. And the 'word geeks' out there (namely Beth, Cheryl and Ambo) are noting that I’m speaking in past tense. That’s because I’m actually going to make an effort to “get back out there”. I figure if I say that here, I’ll have to do it because you guys will keep me honest.
Oh, and in the spirit of honesty, I’ll let you know that I'm getting back out there starting this week. Plans have been made and we'll see how it goes.

So wish me luck as I head back out on the dating scene. If nothing else, it could make for some pretty entertaining stories for me to tell. Amber can illustrate because she can make all of my relationships look good (read: funny)...on paper.


BB said...

I'm proud of you! Not only for deciding to get back on the horse, but for all the things you accomplished in between. ;) Ride Em, Girl. Can't wait for the stories.

Whinger said...

Dear Lord in Heaven (and I'm not even being blasphemous, for once)'s a Christmas miracle.

dasi said...

Good luck, Kendra - I hope you have better luck than I! Although, considering you are younger and don't have a child, you probably will... ;) And about getting good stories, girl you ain't kidding, I had a whole series with MY last "relationship" (at least, that's what HE thought it was... check out my Mr. South Side stories starting around early June... or, just ask Amber!!)

dasi said...

Oh, by the way, I didn't mean to scare you or anything - HONEST!! Go forth and prosper! ;)

Amber said...

Is that you I see, shaking your fist at that damn horse? I'm so proud! And hell yes there will be drawings!!

Cheryl said...

I inch toward the horse too. I am working on it. Let's work on it together.

I hope your foray into dating goes better than my more recent foray...

Miladysa said...

Enjoy :)

Marissa said...

Kendra - why are we THE SAME FREAKING PERSON?!

I too have a box on the top shelf of my closet (obviously since you do too!) and I looked thru it the other day and had very similar thoughts. It was the first time I didn't cry when I looked at the contents. And I remembered all the bad, not just the good, when I looked at the stuff.

Good for you for opening your mind and heart and getting back out there again. I have to do the same.

JillWrites said...

Go for it, honey! I'll be waiting to read the details...

Sass said...

Good luck riding that horse. It's a fun ride.

Okie said...

Funny. For me it's the opposite. When I'm on the horse, I'm a cowboy. A relationship means I have to crawl down out of the saddle and quit riding the range. Like one of my favorite songs says,

"Adios days on the wide open prairie, nights in the canyon are gone."