Tuesday, December 20, 2005

You know how the freaks fall for Amber? Well I get the normals ones and that freaks me out.

Ok, so I've had my fair share of freaks as well but this time, I seem to have found someone totally normal...and I'm freakin just a bit.

After our first date I had to debrief with my girls. I was explaining to Amber that he always called when he said he would and made it clear during our date that he wanted to see me again. After a few minutes of listening to me she said something to the effect of:

A: Um, you know there's nothing wrong with him, right?
KC: What?
A: Quit trying to make something wrong with him. There's nothing wrong with him wanting to see you again and there's most certainly nothing wrong with him following through and having manners.
KC: I didn't say that and I'm not doing that!
A: Yes, you are. Now stop it.
KC: But...
A: No. Just give him a chance. Go out with him again.
KC: I already told him I would go.
A: Ok, then do it.

Did you miss the part where Amber was in charge of my love life? Yeah, me too.

A few days later, I was talking to Becki and basically got the same thing.

B: Kennie, don't sabotage this! Give him a chance!
KC: I didn't say I was going to sabotage anything.
B: You don't have to say it, I know you. He sounds cool and I think you should give him a chance.
KC: Ok. I just don't know...
B: At any point in the night, did you think about kissing him?
KC: Um...well yeah, at one point. When he smiles he's got these fantastic dimples. I said something funny and he was laughing and his dimples looked adorable. The kiss creeped into my head at that point.
B: Ok, then you have to give him a chance.

Did you miss the part where Becki was in charge of my love life? Yeah, me too.

So Mr. Normal called and wanted to take me to dinner and a movie before I leave for Michigan. Unfortunately, the only night I can go is Wednesday and he already has plans. We've made plans to go when I get back so no one can say I sabotaged anything.

I'm giving normal a chance.

How sad is it that when a guy does what he says he's going to do, doesn't play any games and shows common courtesy it causes me to panic?

Why does normal freak me out? Oh dear Lord - am I the freak???


BB said...

When you date crazy for so long, crazy becomes normal. But it's NOT! I like being in charge of your love life, btw. :)

Amber said...

I like being in charge of your love life as well. Aren't you happy that amongst the freaks, I can still spot and appreciate normal?

Whinger said...

You are only a freak on the dance floor, and that's in a good way. :)

Whatever happens, it's gonna be okay. This young suitor deserves a chance, if for no other reason than he calls when he says he will.

Well, he deserves a chance if he doesn't smell like soup.

Cheryl said...

You're not a freak. Just a little overly-cautious. So am I. The important thing is to recognize it and move past it. And go on that second date. Especially if you wanted to kiss him!

Miladysa said...

Merry Christmas Kendra and all the best for the New Year!

Kyahgirl said...

Glad you're listening to your girlfriends. Normal sounds great!

Happy Holidays. :-)

dasi said...

Don't worry, you're not a freak. I swear. Because I am so totally the same way. I tend to shoot guys down before we even get to the date part, though, so you're ahead of me there! ;) I find myself just LOOKING for what could be wrong since I am so used to falling hard and then finding out the guy is either a psycho, an asshole, or both. Although I agree with Cheryl. "Overly cautious." That does sound much better than "freak."

And I would totally trust Becki and Amber because in reading their blogs I believe they SHOULD be in charge of your love life. And everyone else's, for that matter. In fact, I may just consult them myself someday. Since they're so good and all.

Amanda said...

i think your feelings are "normal" too! sometimes straightforward is a little unnerving and what ever happened to the chase! if he just hands it over, is it as fun? depends on what else he's got going on, i think. sounds good so far, though. looking forward to hearing more.

JillWrites said...

Oh, dear Lord, have you met Thinking Violet? She's one of my friends and we have been having the exact same conversations. I'm going to send her a link to this post.