Friday, January 13, 2006

We Now Return You to Your Regularly Scheduled Blog

Whew! I survived the day that sucked and am feeling like myself again.

In the last post, I mentioned my really, really fantastic day. I should have said really, really fantastic date because the day was normal but the date...*sigh*...was so good.

I went out with Mr. Normal on Tuesday night. This is the first guy I’ve met in a long, long, LONG time that I’ve had any desire to have more than two dates with. In short, he might be the one of the nicest guys I’ve ever known. And also, he looked smokin hot on Tuesday night.

A little math lesson:
Super nice + Smokin hot = Happy KC

It’s been a while since I’ve done a list so I give you...

“Ways Mr. Normal has Made me Smile”
-He’s always nice to the waitstaff at restaurants.
- He’s a good tipper.
- His dimples.
- The way he greeted Barley the first time he met him – kneeling on the floor, patting his head and saying, “Hey buddy! Who’s a good boy?”
- The way he makes eye contact when I’m talking to him.
- His wit and sarcasm.
- The way he showed up on my front porch to fix a house catastrophe after I’d called to get advice about it.
- The Johnny Cash cd he burned for me after we saw “Walk the Line”.
- The fact that he remembers little details: sports I played in high school, names of friends I’ve referred to once in the past, my middle name, etc.
- His text messages in the middle of the day.
- The fact that for every smartass remark I make, he’s got one to throw right back at me.
- He gets my sense of humor.
- The fact that he hasn’t done a single thing to lead me to believe he’s playing any games.
- When I revealed that I was a notorious drunk dialer, his response was, “Tell me I’ve been added to the short list for that event.”
- The fact that he finds my road rage endearing.
- The way he helped me put my coat on as we were leaving the restaurant the other night.
- He always makes plans to see me again at the end of a date.
- Even though he’s training for a marathon, he’s agreed to do a 7K with me in March.
- The way he always makes me feel relaxed and at ease.

I don't know what’s going to happen with us but I do know that I'm finally spending time with someone who makes me feel really good. Evidently, the dating gods thought I’d spent enough time with enough guys who made me feel bad.

It’s quite a refreshing change.


Marissa said...

Kendra!! He sounds fantastic! A perfect match for you - now...can you clone him for me?! ;)

Okie said...

You forgot the hand on the small of the back thing. I'm happy for you.

BB said...

Yea for Mr. Normal!

Sass said...

I wish more guys knew half the stuff Mr. Normal does. He truly sounds wonderful. Yay!

Cheryl said...

Yay! Mr. Normal sounds great. Go you.

Miladysa said...

He sounds Mr Wonderful! You 'read' so happy :)

Kyahgirl said...

yay!! :-)

Tim Hillegonds said...


dasi said...

Good for you! I think that karma is on your side now... you know, the whole, "I've been a good person I deserve better" thing. And I'd say it's about time!! Enjoy!