Sunday, February 26, 2006

A Saturday with my Sister

My sister, Kelsey, is stretched out across my bed and surfing the internet as she waits for me to get ready. She knows that I’m never ready on time but she loves me anyway. I ask her if I need to bring a jacket and she says yes. I grab my “Homage to Martha” gray poncho and ask her if it looks ok. She assures me it does and I walk back into my closet to reevaluate my options. I hear an exasperated sigh and a low, “I’m staaaaarrrrrrving!” I peek my head out of the closet to see the Drama Queen and all her suffering. “Seriously Kendra, I’m hungry.” I throw the poncho over my head and giggle because I get grouchy when I’m not fed on time too. I’ve also been known to let out an exasperated sigh now and again.

We drive to Cherry Creek for lunch and although we’re discussing seven different topics at the same time, we stop all conversation intermittently in order to sing along with Howie. It’s the same song over and over but we alternate between the live version and the studio version.

“I love this song so much.”

“Me too!”

“Let’s listen to the live version again.”


We sip giant diet Cokes as she tells me about the perils of adolescence and although it’s been a little while since I was there, not much seems to have changed. There are still mean girls and stupid boys. There are still the girls who will do anything to get attention and there are still the boys who engage in locker room talk. She is dumbfounded by the lifestyle of her peers – sex, drugs and rock & roll. She is popular and outgoing but she’s never been a victim of peer pressure and she doesn’t take shit from anyone. She gets wild sometimes but she rarely waivers from her personal moral compass. She is harder on herself than anyone else ever could be and she is more self-aware than most people twice her age. She is extremely smart and very perceptive. She is funny and has a wonderful sense of humor – her timing is perfect. She has a huge heart. She is gorgeous in the drop-dead sense but never flaunts her beauty.

There are twelve years between us and I was out of the house and off to college a few months after her fifth birthday but we are so alike in so many ways, both good and bad.

We are both quick to judge and slow to forgive. We have high expectations of the people we let into our lives and we when are let down we put up high, impenetrable walls. We both talk with our hands and have expressive faces. We are both stubborn and ornery. We can’t stand being talked over and we really can’t stand being ignored. We both toss our heads back and laugh deep, belly laughs when something is really funny. If we love you, we will go to the ends of the earth to show you. If you hurt us, we will go to the ends of the earth to not show you.

We walk the aisles of Crate & Barrel as I continue my search for the perfect measuring spoons and she continues to lament her luck with boys. I know she’s looking to me for advice and I feel like a fraud saying anything because HELLO? 29-years-old and still no real luck with men.

I finally decide that pulling any punches would be doing her a disservice so I call it exactly like I see it. The moment I do, I regret it because I can see the shine fade from her eyes. I turn to her and ask if she’s ok.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m ok. I mean, I need to hear it. I have to hear the truth, right? It's ok when it comes from you.” She smiles at me and I know she’s ok. She’s a tough girl and that’s just one of the millions of reasons I love her.

I’m so lucky to have her in my life. The fact that she’s my sister is just a great bonus.


Cheryl said...

Aw what a sweet post. You and your sister are very lucky girls.

Miss Scarlet said...

Awww, My sister and I are tight, too. It's so much fun being related to such a cool girl. I totally understand!

Laura said...

Aww, I love it. :)

Whinger said...

What a sweet little thing. Glad she's growing up as great as she started.

Sass said...

That sounds like exactly what you needed this week. There is something so majical about sisters. It's hard to explain that connection but they reallly are the best of friends.

Kyahgirl said...

aw, that is perfect. I hope you let her read this.

Okie said...

That made me miss my little brother. I need to go visit him. Soon.

BB said...

She's so lucky to have're like Cousin Kerin was to us in high school. Remember how great it was for someone to tell it like it is?

I still think of her as 5 years old, btw.

Bird On A Line said...

Aww! That's so beautiful! I wish I lived closer to my little sister (9 years younger than me) so I could have that kind of relationship.

dasi said...

I never had a sister... but after reading your post, I really wish I did! ;)

Marissa said...

wonderful post, kendra! so, so, so sweet and it brings tears to my eyes. thanks for sharing it. i owe you an email! i read it and went "wow!" so expect a long one from me tomorrow :)

Miladysa said...

What a lovely post!