Monday, March 06, 2006

Times Like These

Maybe we just don’t get that many of them. Perhaps there’s a finite number that each person is allotted during their lifetime. It could be that we have an infinite number but that we absentmindedly take them for granted so when we do notice them, they seem few and far between. Whatever it is, those moments, those snapshots in time are breathtaking when you realize them.

I’ll be in the middle of one and I think to myself, “Kendra, remember this. This is the good stuff. This is what you’ll want to think back on when you’re old and gray.”

I had walked outside to grab more firewood when, for whatever reason, I looked up. I could see the outline of the pine trees against the inky blackness of the sky which was dotted with more stars than a person could ever hope to count. I smiled as I walked to the door and called his name.

“Can you come here for a minute? Grab your coat and hat, too.”

He pulled the knit cap onto his head and stepped outside.

“Look up.”

He did and smiled as he grabbed my hand. We sat down on the deck and tilted our heads back to get a better view. We looked at the constellations and pointed out the ones we knew. It was freezing outside but I would have sat there all night if it meant feeling that way a little bit longer.

Remember this…

“Can I get you more coffee?”


Though we had big plans for a hike that morning, we had only hiked from the breakfast nook to the living room. I was curled up on the couch after cooking a big breakfast and he had just finished doing the dishes. I watched a swirl of steam rise up from the cup as he walked towards me. I wrapped my hands around the warm mug and before I could take a sip he was back and adding cream. He sat down next to me and pulled my legs up over his, making sure he wrapped up my feet with the blanket.

“We haven’t done much today, have we?” I was hoping he wasn't bored as he always has something going on.

“Nope. But it’s kind of nice.”

“Yeah, sometimes doing nothing is pretty great.”

“It's pretty great doing nothing with you.” I had to smile at the emphasis he put on the word ‘you’.

“I told you I was good for nothing.”

We both laughed at my dorky joke for a minute. He rubbed my calves and we continued to do nothing for another hour.

This is the good stuff…

On the way up the mountain, we’d stopped to grab a bite to eat. As we stood in line waiting for the sandwich artist to work his magic, a song came on the radio. Almost to myself I said, “I love this song.”

“Yeah, me too.” He had basically been talking to himself as well.

I always sing when I’m doing chores so two days later as I packed my bags to head home I was singing the song again.

It’s times like these you learn to live again
It’s times like these you give and give again
It’s times like these you learn to love again
It’s times like these time and time again

“You know, that song seems to fit me right now. I guess you could say it speaks to me.” He was packing his bag and only glanced up at me when he said it but I was well aware of how much weight the words carried…or maybe how much weight they lifted away, depending on how you look at it.

“Yeah, I know what you mean.”

He grinned as he walked towards me and gave me a hug. Though he’s about eight inches taller, he buried his head in my neck and inhaled deeply. I exhaled and held on…to the moment.

This is what you’ll want to think back on when you’re old and gray…


Miladysa said...

Fantastic post, beautiful!

He reads wonderful :)

Cheryl said...

Wow! Excellent post, and he sounds like an excellent guy. Very very happy for you hon!

dasi said...

I. Loved. That. SOOO much! I wish I could have more times like those... Posts like yours make my whole "I'm single and happy and I don't need anyone" mantra seem so LAME.... ;)

Whinger said...


Bird On A Line said...

Oh, I like that post. Makes me warm and happy inside! :)

Awesome memories to hold on to, my dear!

Marissa said...

i have TEARS in my eyes, kendra! i am sooooo happy for you! what a wonderful weekend, and what a perfect memory to carry with you forever.

good things are in store...i can feel it. :)

love your new york twin! xo

KC said...

Miladysa - thank you!
Cheryl - he is most excellent. :)
Dasi - nothing wrong with your mantra...but sometimes it's fun to be smitten.
Whinger - dude, i know!
Vic - made me pretty happy too!
Maris - i'll keep my fingers crossed for the "good things".

Sandra Dee said...

I do that too - try to hang onto moments like that. There's nothing like looking back and going "aww - I loved it when we ..." Glad you had a nice relaxing time!

JillWrites said...

oh boy, sandra dee, that's spooky that you just popped up, because i was just performing "summer nights" for my kitchen appliances.

anyway, kendra, that was a series of beautiful moments, beautifully conveyed. so glad to see you happy.

Sass said...

It's times like those to cherish. And times like last night when you and i can ramble on the phone for hours. Hours mind you.

Kick ass and take names today.

Miss Scarlet said...

Aw, what a great song and awesome it was so appropriate:)

KC said...

Sandra Dee - it was relaxing...and awesome.
Jill - singing to the appliances? You kill me. :)
Sass- you're an awesome rambling partner.
Scarlet - we both sort of laughed at how well that song fit. p.s. love the new pic!

Okie said...

Remember the font.

OK, Captain loveypants, I miss my old pal KC. The cynic. I think I may vomit.

Laura said...

I couldn't be happier for you, moments like that are what it's all about in the end. Hope I get to meet....your...."new friend".

KC said...

Okie - you're the only person who could ever get away with calling me Captain Loveypants - it's because of our font.
Lala - Thank you for knowing me well enough to know that putting "new friend" wouldn't freak me right the hell out like other terms.

Amber said...

Times like these I wish you'd post an update...