Tuesday, August 08, 2006


She was in my sorority in college and moved out to Denver after we graduated. She decided she wanted to try Denver, found a job and a place to live and just went for it. Do you know how many people never do anything that brave in their entire lives? But that's just our Meghan...or Megusta as she's know in our circle. And our little circle has a lot to do with her. She's sort of the glue of our group. She plans bbqs, dinners and I swear she knows every new bar and restaurant in Denver. She's quite an asset, really.
Dinner at Molly's....

She broke the news to us in May and when she said she would be leaving in early August I really didn't stress too much because it sounded so far off. But time moves pretty fast...particularly when you want it to slow the hell down. So before we knew it, she was packing up her house and getting ready for her big move out east.

I'd like to say that I was totally cool, calm and collected about the whole thing but you know my rule about the blog - it's a bullsh*t free zone. So let's be honest, I was a mess. Everytime I went to her house in the last month and saw more and more packed up I was a wreck. I think I cried every, single time I went over there.

The going away party...

It wasn't that I didn't support the move because I absolutely did but I knew how much I was going to miss my friend. I hated the thought of no longer being able to call for an impromtu shopping trip. I knew we couldn't just go see a movie whenever we felt like it. I knew how much I would miss dinners at La Fogata. And even just writing all of that makes me a bit sad but I really do support the move. And here's why...

Camping Trip - July 2005

Meghan met the greatest guy in the whole, wide world. They make eachother insanely happy. They are perfect together. And so last Friday morning they headed off on the big road trip which will end with both of them living in the same time zone. And I couldn't be happier for her.

So Megs, I hope life in PA. is treating you well. I can just picture you in your new home, calling Tim over to read this post. We all miss you like crazy already and we're all just counting the days until your Labor Day visit. And also? Just know that anytime we go to La Fogata, we'll be tipping our margaritas to your memory.


Sass said...

"But time moves pretty fast...particularly when you want it to slow the hell down."

That gave me shivers.

Good luck in Pa. Megnut. Look on the bright side, you'll have good football teams to root for.

(Sticks tongue out at Kendra)

Marissa said...

What a sweet post! I know how hard it is to have such a great friend move away -- I felt the same with one of my best friends after we graduated college. Living apart from her still hurts! But it sounds like this was a great move for Meghan! And as you and I both know, distance is no factor when it comes to good friends! xo