Sunday, March 25, 2007

Planet Nerd

Does it make me a huge geek if I woke up this morning a little excited that Discovery Channel's Planet Earth was starting tonight? Well, in fairness to my inner nerd, it totally lived up to the hype. I didn't actually get to catch all of it so I'm hoping they rerun what I missed. I sure do love me some Discovery Channel.

In other (less dorktastic) news, I have a new crush. He's a personal trainer at my gym and watching him just makes my workouts fly by. I was on the elliptical Saturday morning and lo and behold, guess who walked by? *sigh* Now I swear I'm not making this next part up but as soon as he walked by the next song on my iPod started and guess what it was...Whatta Man. I couldn't help but giggle a little bit. I haven't spoken to him, other than a 'hello' when I walk in and he's at the desk but I sure do enjoy watching him. Huh, turns out this part is just as dorktastic as the first...look at that. Anyway, he makes the price of my membership totally worth it. Well, that and the improved health part.

Also, I was at the grocery store today and I realized I have a gift - I will, without fail, pick out the hoopty grocery cart every single time. I can't think of a time when I haven't picked out the cart with the squeeky wheel or the gook smeared in the kid holder/purse rest. I got my personal favorite this morning: the one with the wheel that doesn't touch the ground but just spins around making a noise similar to that of nails on a chalk board. Don't be jealous of the talents that the good Lord has bestowed upon me...

And finally to sum up the nerdiest post ever...
Tonight while making dinner I was looking for the dill to sprinkle on cucumbers. I finally found it but it took a while because I own a lot of spices and it was buried behind the cumin and Lowry's seasoned salt. So after dinner I decided to alphabitize my spices. And I hadn't even had a glass of wine. It took a few minutes but when it was done I was rather pleased with myself because nothing makes me quite as happy as easy to find dill.

Now with all of this information that I've just shared is anyone really all that surprised that I'm going to bed alone again tonight?


Woodrow said...

The boy and me watch discovery all the time. It's good stuff.

Anonymous said...

we still love you for your compulsively organized spices

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh about the grocery carts. I thought I was the only one!

Anonymous said...

I am completely into Planet Earth too! We've been watching it and are facinated - it has amazing photography with incredible footage

Marissa said...

Ha ha! I love this post. Hilarious. At least your nerd is inner. I wear mine on the outside for EVERYONE to see!

Cheryl said...

Love this post. I'm a nerd too. At least we're in good company.

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