Monday, March 10, 2008

Stating the Obvious

I have been in a rut.

What? You have been as witty, clever and insightful as always!, think the handful of readers left out there.

Ok, so there's a lot to bring you guys up to speed on in my little old life. Some major things have been going on since the beginning of the year and I swear, I have been trying to write. But mostly what comes out is total crap. And I just can't subject you guys to anymore total crap. Partial crap might be ok, but total crap? That's where I draw the line. Because I love you.

But March seems to be bringing some good things lately and as a result, I am one happy girl. Alright, so I it's not like rainbows are shooting out of my butt or anything but I am doing better so that's something, right?

So what's been bringing a smile to my face these days? I'm so happy you asked...

1. Daylight! I'm not sure why but this winter really took it out of me. I've always been a fan of seasons but Old Man Winter seemed to be a complete ass this year. The long, cold, dark nights seemed longer, colder and darker than I could stand. But the days are getting longer and despite that I missed an hour of sleep over the weekend (Sidebar: I've had 31 years to get used to that whole "Spring forward" concept and yet, every year it slaps me in the head, kicks me in the shin and spits in my eye.) Anyway, despite the lost hour of sleep, I am so happy that it's light outside at 7pm these days. It means I can take Barley for runs when I get home from work. Runs = endorphine high. Endorphine high = less sitting around being so blue about how long, cold and dark the nights are.

2. G. Love. I recently found a mix tape from a guy I dated in college. It had several G. Love & Special Sauce songs on it like "Sweet Sugar Mama", "I-76" and of course, "Cold Beverage". So I went out to iTunes and downloaded a bunch of old stuff and the newest album, 'Lemonade' . All so good. I drove into the office today listening to "Booty Call" on repeat. The song just makes me laugh. Anyway, if you're not listening to G. Love I have to wonder if you're a communist or perhaps dropped on your head as a small child. Either way, work that stuff out and then go download some stuff. It'll make you feel good; it's a KC guarantee.

3. Job is going so well it's almost scary. I love what I do, where I work and the people I work with everyday. And today, out of the clear blue, my boss walked in and gave me some great news.

4. The dating scene. No, no love connection but good Lord, do I have some stories. I promise those are coming soon too.

5. I have a trip planned in May that is most certainly going to be 8 shades of awesome. Can't. Hardly. Wait.

6. I got a great cut and color last week and I don't care how shallow it sounds, good hair can make a girl feel good.

7. Saturday night involved sushi, vodka and dancing. Good, good and good.

8. Somebody's getting her annual bonus this week. Mama's getting new shoes! (Ok, so really, mama is investing most of it, putting some toward the car loan...but she may put aside a little sumpin sumpin for cute "Going on Vacation in May" shoes.)

I'm going to kick this rut's ass.


Anonymous said...

you say you are in a rut and not putting up good posts, yet i just started a blog and added you to my blog roll. love your site.

can't wait to hear about the dates...

Cheryl said...

Yes, but was the dancing on tables? Here's to vodka, sushi and dancing in May!

Marissa said...

soo many good things! yay! this post put me in a good mood! :-)

Buzz said...

Atta Girl

Anonymous said...

Stellar tunes, a good work environment, amusing paramours, travels, girly indulgences, and extra money, to boot! I'd say that rut's already headed for the hills. Yay for happy lists :)

KatieDid It said...

Baby's Got Sauce is my absolute fave, though there are many, many others. He used to show up at UMass frat parties and bust it out.
Oh, hi! :) xoxo