I'm evidently hell bent on losing every reader I have by only posting once in a blue moon. The funny thing is, I get annoyed with the bloggers I read daily who go a while without posting. And yet I often leave Just Me unattended for weeks at a time. Hypocrisy, thy name is Kendra.
So let's see, what to bring you up to speed on? Well first, would have to be my trip to NYC. Cheryl and I jumped on planes from our respective cities and met up with Marissa in New York. We had such a great time and right about here is where I would post picture after picture but guess what? My effing camera is holding the pics hostage and will not download them to my computer. It's a shame too as there are some really great photos. I had hopes of taking the memory card somewhere this weekend and having the pictures put on a disk but I didn't get around to it. But the trip was awesome and we looked cute the entire time. You'll just have to take my word for it. Or you can make your way over to Cheryl's site and see her pics there. Or you can wait for me to get around to getting mine downloaded. I'm hoping it happens shortly before hell freezes over but let's not hold our collective breath, ok?
In other news, I've been making some bad decisions when it comes to men lately. Ok, so just one man, but he if were a university, I would be majoring in Poor Choices. He is as much of a smartass as myself which is always so attractive to me; however, I usually like the affectionate guy, the guy who gives good hugs and touches alot and this guy is not that guy. Which is a good thing because it made it quite easy to resist any charms he may have because I always assume that if someone isn't as tactile as myself, they must not like me. So thing were fine until...he touched my hair. I like to think of myself as a pretty strong woman but I turn to mush when a man plays with my hair. (Sidebar: In my humble opinion, all men should do three things - without fail - to ensure a happy woman. Thing #1 - Focus on the hair. Duh, I just told you that. Thing #2 - Put your hands on a woman's face when you kiss her. This must be done the right way: the thumbs should be in front of the ear and the other four digits wrapping around the neck. Then pull her in. This raises the Hot Quotient of said kiss, thus exponentially raising the possibility of other activities. And finally, Thing #3 - Place your hand on the small of a woman's back when your walking out of a restaurant or bar...or wherever. It's the non-verbal way of saying "I got your back". And chicks totally dig it. Whew. It's exhausting sharing all of this knowledge. Tune in next week for Three Things a Man Should NEVER Do...) Anywho, there was some hair touchage and he somehow figured out that I enjoy it a great deal. It could have been the heavy sighs or the purring or the drool that began to form at the corners of my mouth that gave it away. Hard telling how he cracked the code. And this lead to...nothing. Seriously, nothing happened. Ok, so we curled up and talked all night and laughed but nothing else. The whole night was rated PG. So you might be wondering why I look at this as a bad decision since it was all PG and you're thinking most of your bad decisions have been rated R (maybe even NC-17 for some of you. I'm not naming any names...cough, cough, Woodrow cough, hack, cough.) But if I told you the full story, the whole enchilada, you would understand. And then you'd probably roll your eyes and sigh a little and be all Hey Kendra, this is a bad idea. And I would be all, I know, I know. And you would be all, I thought you weren't going to date guys like this anymore. And I would be all, OK, I get it. And you would be all, I'm not kidding, this won't end well. And I would get pissed and be all, DON'T JUDGE ME! You're not the boss of me! And then I'd go up to my room and slam the door and you'd sigh that exhausted sigh and say something about how stubborn I am and how I always have to learn the hard way. And I'd blog about how I CAN handle the situation...and about how parents just don't understand. Or something. Anyway, stay tuned for imminent doom. At least it will give me something to write about, right?
omg. we have MUCH to catch me up on! :-)
Yeah, um hello? Details...
On another note, you speak such truth on the three things guys should do. How about three things a guy shouldn't say. I'll start..."Tell me about your hurt."
A. The three tips would have been great help back in the day, thanks for not letting me in on those. I could have spent less time talking and trying to charm the pants of off the ladies or plan B keep them drinking until you sound like a good idea which I might add expensive and time consuming. Had I known of the fail safe "3 Tips" Less time, less money and I would think the fun factor would be off the charts. But I digress. Baby K sometimes a poor decsion leads to a memory of a life time. Or what you thought was a poor decsion at the time might not be such a bad one. Sure it isn't as trendy to say like, "It seemed like a good idea at the time." But who is to say that popular phrase can't also me twisted and turned around just like say your raw emotions. I am just saying the guy has some personality and he picks up on your things, unless he has some major flaws or something completely unmentionable and disgraceful give him and you a chance. You can always dismiss him at will, after all who is the prize? And who is the contestant?
Anyway I look forward to hearing more about the don'ts, I am pretty sure I am going to be hitting 2 of those three if not the bag of tricks.
Take care
Anonymous? Right?
Ohhhh, Kendra... you are definitely NOT the only hypocrite! Case in point? Well... me....! But your postings are always worth the wait. As far as this new guy - I say go for it. Because I deal with the scenario at the end of your post pretty much every day with my daughter (not about guys, mind you, but basically about everything else!) and I have learned that sometimes you should just give in and let the cards fall where they may. Which is a roundabout way of saying "Maybe you're right, but I don't think so, and you don't care anyway, so what difference would it make what I said?" But I don't have enough information about your situation to have a valid opinion anyway. Ok, so now I'm rambling. I'll stop now.
You're just jealous.
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