Thursday, July 24, 2008

On the Go

Do you ever notice how you will have blocks of time that have absolutely nothing going on and then all of the sudden you go weeks and weeks without any time to yourself? Well the latter has been my life as of late. But it hasn't all been bad. In fact, some of it's been pretty wonderful.
I was traveling for work last Monday through Thursday. (Not the wonderful part; that's coming) My flight landed in Denver Thursday night at 10pm and after an excrutiating drive home, I fell into bed around 11:30pm. I was up and in the office the next morning by 7am for meetings. I came home that night, unpacked, did laundry, repacked and was off again first thing Saturday morning. Picked up my sisters and drove the three hours to our family cabin in Westcliffe, CO for our family reunion. The rest of the day was filled with hiking, visiting with the fam, eating, drinking and general merriment. Sunday was more go, go, go with more hiking, picture taking, the rodeo in town, horseshoes and beer and the big family dinner Sunday night. Monday was a big breakfast with everyone, followed by a hike, and then alternately sunning myself on the deck while drinking cold beer and splashing in the creek to keep cool. It was the most relaxing three days I've had in some time.

Going back to Sunday night for a story.... After the dinner with everyone my sisters and I decided to go visit the "allegedly" haunted cemetery. So we went to the cemetery. At 11pm. During a full moon. My aunt, who is only 10 years older than me, decided to join us with her 14 year old daughter as well. (Sidebar: Now it should be known that I once took a "behavioral assessment" at work which measured several personailty factors, one of which was "skepticism". On a scale of 100, I got a rating of 98. So I guess you could say I'm a wee bit skeptical.) Anywho, so we went to the cemetery and I didn't expect to see a damn thing. Well guess what? I saw something. Several somethings to be exact. Little blue lights floating around the headstones. I have no clue what I saw but I know I saw something. I didn't feel creeped out at all, I just wanted to get a better look. We stayed in the Jeep most of the time but at one point we got out to read a sign by the gates at the entry. Everyone was standing near the gates when my sister, Kelsey, started walking into the cemetery. I started off behind her and suddenly, in classic KC fashion, my ankle twisted and I went crashing to the ground. My knee hit something metal and I thought I broke a few fingers on some other metal piece. I couldn't figure out what happened until my sisters pointed out that I tripped on the cattle guard at the gates. (Do you know how horrible it is to know that you were felled by an effing cattle guard?! Cows don't cross those things because they know what will happen. The cows are smarter. But I have better hair.) I have to imagine if the blue lights were, in fact, ghosts, that they got a chuckle out of seeing me eat shit at their eternal resting place. I know my family did. So if you're ever in the Silver Cliff, Westcliffe or even Middle Cliff area (yes, there is a Middle Cliff and it's...wait for the middle of Silver Cliff and Westcliffe! Clever, no?) you should check it out.

And now, in no particular order as I'm too tired to organize, on to the photos!

Old Glory

Hummingbird on the deck

Karlie, Madison, Kelsey





Lil Buckeroos

Westcliffe Rodeo

The family cabin

Wildflower in the meadow

Looking out to the valley


Anisa said...

gorgeous pics!

and spooky story!

Anonymous said...

wow, what a glorious location for a cabin. i am only totally jealous.

i'm all kinds of impressed with your photos, by the way. well done!

glad you had a great trip. even if you did face plant in the cemetery! (thanks for the giggle)

Marissa said...

ooh i cannot believe you saw little blue lights! what were they?!? ghosts? maybe lightning bugs?? i don't know. freaky though!