Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Overheard at the Cabin

“I’m gonna whomp your ass at horseshoes.” – my dad to me

“Keep it in the county.” – my dad to me while watching my horseshoe skip down the meadow

“ Where is my horseshoe?!?! I suck at this game! Why are we still playing?” – me said to anyone who would listen while playing horseshoes

“Your grandma gave me spicy nuts for Father’s Day” – Grandpa referring to the Cajun flavored cashews Grandma gave him
“It’s just so surprising.” – Grandma’s response to news that we got a new shower curtain. This was coupled with a look of disgust.

“Abort mission! Abort mission!” - me to my sister as we tried to hang the new (and to my grandma, quite controversial) shower curtain in the bathroom.

“I’m hanging the effing shower curtain.” – my sister’s gritted-teeth response to Grandma’s displeasure over the shower curtain
“One” - me
“One” - Kelsey
“One” – Karlie
“Two” – Cousin Madison
“One” – Aunt Marcia
“Five” - Cousin Matthew, age 13
In response to the question, "How many bratwurst do you want?"
“That was so nice of you girls to warsh those dishes!” – Grandma to my sisters as I after we did the 974 dirty dishes after the 10 of us ate dinner. (Sidebar: “warsh” is the way they say “wash” in Missouri and various parts of the Midwest)
“You should have told us what things go in s’mores!” – Grandpa to me after he returned from the market after an hour of wandering around looking at all the different graham crackers and marshmallows.
“Is that your dog’s poop or our dog’s poop?” – my 9 year old cousin Madison upon coming upon some poop in the meadow
“Where did I leave that cotton-pickin’ lighter?!” – Grandpa to my dad as they headed to the deck with their cigars
“Why does Grandpa say “cotton-pickin’”? What does that mean?” – Karlie’s question to me as Grandpa ransacked the house looking for aforementioned lighter
“Um, your dog totally just barfed back there.” – Kelsey to me as she thumbed through the latest issue of Glamour while on the drive home
“Why is there grass in the puke? It smells pretty bad.” – Karlie to me as I cleaned up the mess

Ah, my family - the great wordsmiths of the 21st century.


BB said...

Ah, good times. Times.

Cheryl said...

haha! family...

Marissa said...

Hahahahahaha. I'm laughing out loud! Seriously. SO FUNNY! I'm going home for the 4th, between my siblings and 9 nieces and nephews, I'm sure to come up with good stuff, too!