Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Update on the Kleptomaniac

I emailed the blogging bandit (Cheryl says she doesn't warrant capitalization and I agree) the same day I put the last post up. I asked her to please stop using my stuff as her own and to remove all posts she had previously stolen. I told her if I found anything else of mine on her blog I would not only post a link to her blog but also her email address. Then I may have thrown around a few words I learned in law school. (Sidebar: Gmail needs to come up with an emoticon that conveys "shaking fist in righteous indignation" because that would have come in handy for my email to her.) She never responded but when I checked this morning, her entire blog was gone. Just gone. Not just my posts but the whole damn thing. Wanna hear the stupid part? For a fraction of a millisecond, I felt bad. I sort of pictured her reading my email and just freaking right the fuck out. And then I thought maybe I took it all just a bit too far. I thought maybe I'd been too confrontational - as I've been known to do from time to time.


I started getting comment and emails from you guys and I realized I wasn't the only one who thought what this girl did was total crap. Like a bunch of angry villagers with torches and pitchforks, you guys wanted a piece of her. And then I realized I had nothing to feel bad about. If she wanted to take down the whole thing, that wasn't my fault. A friend pointed out that perhaps she was worried someone would post things on her blog about the whole situation and so she just did away with it.

Anyway, the thing that killed me was seeing comments that people had posted about one of my posts giving her credit for it. She stole one of my all time favorites and people were telling her what a great writer she was. And I was sitting there yelling at my computer screen that she was nothing but a...say it with me...thieving ho.

So, the good news is, it's all over. But man, if she (or anyone else) does it again I'm unleashing you guys on her because for a girl who values loyalty the way I do, I was tickled pink at your reactions. You are not people I would want to piss off.

Did I mention I love you for that? 'Cause I do.


*Red said...

Oooooh I had to deal with this too. Some stupid girl from Canada. I posted a link to her myspace page. :) She took it all down immediately. Some people just have nerve.

Amber said...

I am shill shaking my head in complete amazement that someone would do that. Seriously, how absolutely pathetic must her life be?

Good for you for confronting her -- and by no stretch of the imagination should you feel the least bit sorry for her. Thieves are theives no matter their reasons or their methods. And frankly, I think that stealing someone's words and feelings shared with friends is worse than any material theft.

Oh, and I totally would have put the verbal beat down on her had you wished : )

Anonymous said...

Haven't stopped by in a while - love the new look! :) Sorry about your hamburglar - sheesh!

Marissa said...

Kendra! I am SO PROUD of you. You have NOTHING to feel badly about it. What that girl did was absolutely wrong. She's a thief. A plagiarist. It's illegal, immoral and just wrong. I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself. Good going. Don't for one second feel badly. It was HER choice to steal and HER choice to take her blog down.

Cheryl said...

Ok, I have told you this, but I think you handled the situation beautifully. Better than I would. Oh, and? Ten bucks says she took the whole blog down cause it was ALL stolen from you and other people. Something tells me this one hasn't got a creative bone in her body.