Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Put the 'Ass' in Embarrassment

I recently moved offices again, despite my best effort to never have to go through the whole debacle again. I am now in the upstairs offices which is nice because I’m much closer to the team I work with every day. The offices are in two wings, north and south, which are separated by a long corridor.

It’s been absurdly cold here in Denver for the last five days and we had a few pipes burst over the weekend. One of the aforementioned pipes ran the length of the aforementioned corridor and the carpet was soaked. Yesterday during the clean up of the Great Flood of ’06 industrial fans were brought in to help dry up the mess. The fans were a great source of amusement to me because when I walked down the hall, my hair blew back in a very dramatic fashion. It made me feel like a supermodel on the runways in Milan.

The fans are still running here today and just a while ago I was walking back to my office at the other end of the hall. Knowing that no one was around (everyone was in a staff meeting that I had just left) I began to strut just a little. You can’t really blame me because I was wearing my black pencil skirt, a super-cute lavender sweater and my FMN boots – it was an outfit that needed some strut. Anyway, I’m workin’ it and my hair is blowing around and the boots are all shades of sex kitten when…

… one of our vendors appeared as if from no where at the other end of the corridor.

I stopped dead in my tracks and just looked at him for a minute.

There are two guys who show up from time to time from this particular vendor – one is very sweet, talkative and older than dirt; the other is younger, quiet and hot. Guess which one was standing there…

Super Hot Vendor.


I smiled as I could feel my cheeks turning several shades of red. We’ve never actually met so I said hi and introduced myself. He extended his hand and as I walked towards him, my heel slipped a little and I tripped. I didn’t fall down but I’m quite certain my arms flailed about in a rather unattractive manner. I’m also quite certain the look of terror on my face was something to behold. He asked if I was ok and I muttered yes as I prayed that the floor would open up and swallow me whole. Since it didn’t swallow me whole, I helped him find the conference room he needed.

And just moments ago he stopped in to say goodbye. Guess who was under her desk, on her hands and knees, trying to get her new lamp plugged in…

Why can’t I, just once, be the cool girl? Why do I always come off as the Latin reincarnation of Lucille Ball???

If it were possible for someone to die from humiliation, I would be dead.


Whinger said...

Totally NOT laughing at you.

I am NOT.

I am laughing at something else, I swear.

Sandra Dee said...

I'm never the cool girl either! :)

Marissa said...

i am dying laughing right now!!! that story is hilarious, kendra!!!! such is the story of my life, too. i am NEVER the cool girl! one thing's for certain...he'll remember you. :)

BB said...

KC...you've got some 'splaining to do!

I agree with Marissa....you will be memorable!

Sass said...

We really do live parallell lives

Funny funny girl

Bird On A Line said...

Oh my god. I'm totally laughing at you right now! I'm sorry!! :)

KC said...

Whinger - are you laughing at the girl who was booty-up for the vendor? because she's a good girl to laugh at...
Sandra Dee - Are you as uncool as I was with Hottie McVendor?
Marissa- Remember me? I'll probably be the punchline for the stories this weekend as he's tossing a few back with his boys!
Beck - They say you only have one chance to make a first impression...I'm pretty sure I blew that chance.
Sass - At least you're a red-head so you can pull off the Lucy act.
Rico - Thanks for trying to make me feel better - hopefully SHV feels the same. :)
Vic - Yeah, if it didn't happen to me, I'd be laughing at that poor fool too.

Cheryl said...

Oh that definitely sounds like something that would happen to me. I think we're all Lucille Ball, no one is the cool girl. That's why we relate to Lucy and we love her. We love you to Kendra, you supermodel you.

Amber said...

Hey -- I have a picture at home of us doing our Lucy and Ricky impression -- only you're Ricky and I have gauze tied around my head. Hmmm. On second thought, forget I mentioned it...

Kyahgirl said...

he probably wanted to 'do' you under the desk. Men are naughty that way. :-)

KC said...

Cheryl - You're probably right that there aren't any cool girls out there - I guess I just feel like I get caught doing uncool stuff more than normal people. Maybe I just confess more than the average person?
Ambular - it wasn't gauze, it was tulle. And have that pic on my fridge...it's priceless, really.
Kyahgirl - I'd like to believe that but I think more than anything, he was just scared. :)

JillWrites said...

if he made it a point to stop in to say goodbye, i think he would have been happy to see you in the position he saw you. ;) way to go, sex kitten!!!!

Okie said...

Hehehe. You kill me. I can just see you. Shakin' it with the wind in your face. Ha! If I were hot vendor guy I would have been turned on by the humor of it all.

KC said...

Jill - let's hope you're right.
Okie - So what you're saying is that some guys are turned on by goofy women? Whew...there's hope for me yet. :)

Miladysa said...

He probably found you very attractive! He had no real reason to pop back did he? He wanted more :)